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From Hollywood to the Desert

From Hollywood to the Desert


End:Arts & Culture in Los Angeles
5 - 6Days,10Stops,368Miles
Twentynine Palms
Joshua Tree National Park
Palm Desert
Palm Springs
Arts & Culture in Los Angeles
Stop 1


3400 Warner Boulevard, Burbank

Depart the airport and set out to explore Burbank电影高管开会的“工作室之城”, live TV shows 迪斯尼动画师给小美人鱼和狮子王赋予了生命. Tour the Warner Bros. Studio backlot to see where Friends, ER, and The Big Bang Theory were filmed. Shop for the ultimate Hollywood souvenir at It’s a Wrap这是一家占地7000平方英尺的商店,出售服装和电影布景道具. Then taste what Burbank is cooking: Stop by Porto’s Bakery for savory and sweet Cuban pastries, Tonir Café for Mediterranean kabobs, and Café de Olla for enchiladas and chile rellenos. The city has natural attractions too:  Hike from Stough Canyon Nature Center 到Verdugo山顶,或者步行两英里的环形步道 Wildwood Canyon

Stop 2


633 East Broadway, Suite 201, Glendale

On the San Fernando Valley’s southeast edge, Glendale 是组成大洛杉矶的88个独特城市之一. It’s the hometown of the Museum of Neon Art, 一堆20世纪汽车旅馆的霓虹灯, gas stations, and dive bars, 加上当代霓虹灯艺术家的有趣作品. Glendale also appeals to shoppers and strollers: Americana at Brand 是有酒吧和餐厅的高档户外购物中心吗, a movie theater, a musical fountain, and free yoga classes on the lawn. Across the street, Glendale Galleria has more than 200 stores from Apple to Zara. For an only-in-L.A. 体验一下,在格兰岱尔的分店看看名人的死后生活 Forest Lawn Cemetery. 当你游览风景优美的场地和小萨米·戴维斯最后的安息之地时.,埃罗尔·弗林,沃尔特·迪斯尼和迈克尔·杰克逊,不要错过彩色玻璃娱乐 The Last Supper in the Great Mausoleum.

Stop 3


300 East Green Street, Pasadena

Pasadena 他的艺术鉴赏学成绩是a +,在精致的建筑和精致的花园上获得了额外的学分. Start your tour at eye-catching City Hall, an ornate structure with a dome-topped, six-story bell tower. 这个Instagram上的宠儿看起来像是意大利文艺复兴时期的珍宝,但它建于1927年. 拍几张照片,然后参观这座城市著名的博物馆 Norton Simon Museum holds works by Picasso, Rembrandt, Goya, and Degas. The 亨廷顿图书馆,艺术收藏和植物园 拥有31个美国艺术画廊和16个壮观的景观主题花园. More gardens are spread across town: Savor the zen of lily-covered koi ponds at Storrier Stearns Japanese Garden, or wander through water-wise Arlington Garden to see California nativesClose out this high-culture day with a stay at The Langham Huntington, 这是一座玫瑰色的意大利式建筑,两侧是修剪整齐的草坪、传家宝玫瑰和柑橘树. 

Stop 4


205 Yale Avenue, Claremont

The ivy-covered Claremont Colleges are bordered by Claremont这是一个适合步行的村庄,整齐的街道网格充满了小镇的吸引力. 漫步在点缀着橡树和梧桐树的哈佛和耶鲁大道上,探索精品店和咖啡馆. Pause for pastries at Some Crust Bakery or Crème Bakery. Shop for brie and gruyère at Cheese Cave, or browse greeting cards and fine papers at Cloud Nine Paper. Sip an “affirmation latte” from Iron and Kin (试试波旁威士忌的“勇敢”或姜黄和生姜的“和平”). Swing into the Folk Music Center to see (or strum) guitars, mandolins, banjos, ukuleles, and more. 在日出或日落,参观波莫纳学院的校园 James Turrell’s Skyspace这是一个随着颜色变化而发光的建筑灯光装置. 

Stop 5

Twentynine Palms

73484 Twentynine Palms Highway, Twentynine Palms

This quiet desert town on Joshua Tree National Park美国的东北边缘一年比一年凉爽. Twentynine Palms’ new National Park Visitor Center 在自由广场提供游客信息和美洲原住民文化展览几个街区从城市的最新餐馆. 在美食酒吧品尝汉堡、自制泡菜和精酿啤酒 Grnd Sqrl. A few doors down, Campbell Hill Bakery 做一个硬壳酸面团加上百吉饼,糕点,饼干,汤和三明治. Kitchen in the Desert 做加勒比烤鸡和担担面. Twentynine Palms excels at art too. Check out 26 desert-themed murals 在整个城镇的建筑和当地艺术家的作品在乡村 29 Palms Art Gallery. 来和莎莉·埃尔夫聊天吧,也就是艺术女王,她经营着 World Famous Crochet Museum. Spend the night in an adobe bungalow at the 29 Palms Inn, where you can listen to the coyotes howl.

Stop 6

Joshua Tree National Park

6533 Freedom Way, Twentynine

Take a slow-going day to explore Joshua Tree National Park这里有细长的乔舒亚树、巨大的花岗岩巨石和长相模糊的仙人掌. “J-Tree”为想象力提供了广阔的画布,所以前往 Keys View 或者去岩石仙境冥想,拍照,惊叹沙漠景观. Listen to the cactus wrens calling. Take a walk at Hidden Valley. Gaze at the graceful curve of Arch Rock. 然后沿着平托盆地路行驶,穿过烟雾缭绕的树林 Cottonwood Spring, where you can hike to the summit of Mastodon Peak or take a longer trek to Lost Palms Oasis 去看看公园里最大的原生扇形棕榈树. 

Stop 7

Palm Desert

73510 Fred Waring Dr, Palm Desert

In swanky Palm Desert, 豪华的棕榈树点缀着宽阔的街道,街道两旁是别致的画廊, upscale boutiques, and lavish resorts. Get your style on at El Paseo, 这是一个时尚的露天购物区,这里的店面都有萨克斯第五大道(Saks Fifth Avenue)和拉尔夫·劳伦(Ralph Lauren)等名字. Peruse the paintings and sculpture garden at Imago Galleries它坐落在棕榈沙漠最引人注目的现代建筑之一. 在一天的结束,啜饮鸡尾酒和下降到梦幻般的沙漠别致 Hotel Paseo, a midcentury-styled property with 150 rooms. 第二天早上睡到很晚,然后在餐厅吃早午餐 cult-favorite Wilma and Frieda, 在那里,舒适的食物被提升为艺术,以黑莓蛋奶法式吐司和排骨炒的形式出现.

Stop 8

Palm Springs

2901 North Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs

The number of swimming pools in Palm Springs eclipses the town’s population—54,000 pools for 48,000 people—but not in winter, when the snowbirds from cooler climates arrive. 游泳和日光浴是最受欢迎的活动,但棕榈泉的艺术场景更增添了乐趣. A wealth of midcentury modern architecture is visible on almost every block. The four-level Palm Springs Art Museum 收藏了当代和现代艺术,包括巴勃罗·毕加索和马克·夏加尔的作品. The Uptown Design District’s 时光胶囊店出售世纪中期的家具和复古服装. For a memorable night out, the supper club PS Underground 举办戏剧主题的晚会,从20世纪20年代的地下酒吧到70年代的迪斯科舞厅.

Stop 9


3750 University Avenue Suite #570, Riverside

The sun-drenched city of Riverside made its fortune on sweet navel oranges. 由于多汁的柑橘,河畔在1893年成为人均最富有的城市. Learn how the orange became king at California Citrus State Historic Park, then wander the meandering trails at UCR Botanic Gardens39英亩的花园、林地和园艺奇观. Visit the outstanding Latinx art at the Cheech Marin Center for Chicano Art and Culture. When hunger strikes, graze at Riverside Food Lab’s 13家餐馆,厨师们在那里烹饪卡津海鲜、黎巴嫩美食、植物汉堡等等. Or pop in to Tio’s Tacos店主马丁·桑切斯(Martin Sanchez)既是厨师又是雕塑家. His whimsical creations made from beer cans, glass bottles, license plates, and toys decorate the eatery’s outdoor patio. Order an agua fresca and take it all in.

Stop 10

Arts & Culture in Los Angeles

221 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles

In downtown Los Angeles,你可以从富有想象力的目的地中选择 The Broad, 在草间弥生的万花筒中步入无限空间的幻觉infinity mirror room.” Learn how to make handmade gnocchi at Eatz cooking school, or eat the pros’ cooking at Smorgasburg这是一个只在周日开放的露天市场,有近100个摊贩. 参观工作室或在工匠的梦想空间的画廊商店购物, The Makery. Zip over to Universal Studios Hollywood for a glimpse at how silver-screen magic is made. On the World Famous Studio Tour, your tram car 蛇经过片场和摄影棚,在那里你会看到 actual sets from Jaws, Psycho和其他好莱坞电影,体验特效和电子动画带来的刺激. 

Road Trip Snapshot

了解更多关于这个公路旅行的惊人地点. Ready to plan your trip? 打印行程或地图你的冒险开始.

Stop 1Burbank
3400 Warner Boulevard, Burbank
Stop 2Glendale
633 East Broadway, Suite 201, Glendale
Stop 3Pasadena
300 East Green Street, Pasadena
Stop 4Claremont
205 Yale Avenue, Claremont
Stop 5Twentynine Palms
73484 Twentynine Palms Highway, Twentynine Palms
Stop 6Joshua Tree National Park
6533 Freedom Way, Twentynine
Stop 7Palm Desert
73510 Fred Waring Dr, Palm Desert
Stop 8Palm Springs
2901 North Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs
Stop 9Riverside
3750 University Avenue Suite #570, Riverside
Stop 10Arts & Culture in Los Angeles
221 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles

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