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Amazing Desert Oddities

Amazing Desert Oddities


Start:San Diego
3 - 6Days,13Stops,496Miles
San Diego
Axel Schmies/Getty Images
Desert View Tower
Mdurson/Getty Images
Borrego Springs Sculptures
Dan Barr/Getty Images
La Casa del Zorro Desert Resort & Spa
Sam Antonio Photography/Getty Images
Font's Point
David H. Carriere/Getty Images
Shields Date Garden
Jim Steinfeldt/Getty Images
Courtesy Hilton
Marina Chavez
The Integratron
Jason Meyer/Getty Images
Noah Purifoy Desert Art Museum of Assemblage Art
Jordana Meilleur/Getty Images
Amboy Crater
Wilsilver77/Getty Images
Kelso Dunes, Mojave National Preserve
Amygdala Imagery/Getty Images
Ethan Miller/Getty Images
Stop 1

San Diego

1600 Pacific Hwy, San Diego

圣地亚哥是加州阳光最充足的地方之一. 这座海滨城市充满了独特的餐饮和精酿啤酒体验, outdoor adventures, family fun, and great shopping. 探索不同的社区,比如小意大利 Gaslamp Quarter, the East Village, North Park, and Old Town前往巴尔博亚公园(Balboa Park)度过充满博物馆的一天,或者去动物园看大熊猫 San Diego Zoo. 享受一天的水在城市的众多海滩之一, such as Ocean Beach, Mission Beach, or Pacific Beach. 你可以在波光粼粼的米申湾租到立式桨板或皮艇.

Don’t forget nearby La Jolla, SeaWorld San Diego, the Maritime Museum, or some of San Diego famous craft breweries.

Stop 2

Desert View Tower

In-Ko-Pah Park Rd, Jacumba Hot Springs

East of San Diego, 8号州际公路离开了城市,进入了布满巨石的山丘的壮观景观. 从居高临下的3000英尺高的in - ko - pah山脉 Desert View Tower 提供了这个崎岖地形的全景,以及沙漠广阔的下面. 从这座1923年由当地石头建造的地标上欣赏美景,然后漫步在迷宫般的迷宫中 Boulder Park Mystery Caves 参观20世纪30年代创作的民间艺术风格的雕刻.

Plan your visit

    Stop 3

    Borrego Springs Sculptures

    1624 Borrego Springs Rd, Borrego Springs

    Just outside Borrego Springs 以及在安扎-博雷戈沙漠州立公园边界附近,河滨县的雕塑家 Ricardo Breceda 组装了大约130个巨大的废金属动物雕塑, including dinosaurs and a saber-toothed cat. 这些奇形怪状的生物似乎在肮脏的平原上行进. It’s quite a remarkable menagerie, 从战斗中的沙漠大角公羊到巨大的, 这条350英尺长的海蛇似乎正在沙漠中爬行. 在晴朗的夜晚,当满月或满天繁星照亮雕塑时,这种效果真的很引人注目.

    Stop 5

    Font's Point

    Fonts Point Dr, Borrego Springs

    Considered the definitive view in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park丰特角控制着东部崎岖的博雷戈荒原 Borrego Springs. To reach this overlook, 你需要一辆四轮驱动的车来完成四英里的车辙, sandy road that begins off State Highway 78. But it’s worth it: Once you arrive at Font’s Point, 被称为“加州大峡谷”的景色绝对壮观, 尤其是在日出和日落的时候,光线最能显示出这个由金山和阿罗约组成的迷宫的纹理.

    Plan your visit


    Shields Date Garden

    80225 US Hwy 111, Indio

    在印第欧的希尔兹枣园(Shields Date Garden)驻足,采摘新鲜的枣子,在咖啡馆享用特色菜,比如铺着德格莱枣的汉堡, bacon, and blue cheese.

    Stop 8


    5240 Curtis Rd, Pioneertown

    In the high desert about 20 minutes from Joshua Tree National Park, Pioneertown looks like it has been around since the 1800s. 但这些质朴的建筑最初是作为一个旅游景点和1946年的电影背景而建造的. 你可以住在装饰着美洲原住民毯子的西式房间里, cactus, and rustic furnishings at the Pioneertown Motel. Or catch dinner and live music at Pappy & Harriet’s, where Sir Paul McCartney once played a show.

    Stop 9

    The Integratron

    2477 Belfield Blvd, Landers

    For some good vibes—quite literally—check out the Integratron这是一座建于20英里外地磁漩涡上的木制圆顶建筑 Joshua Tree National Park. 来兰德斯附近这座独特的建筑享受“声音浴”吧,被吹捧为一种声波治疗,利用声波来恢复身心的活力. (“整合”号的发明者乔治·范·塔塞尔也是UFO的拥护者.)被列入国家史迹名录, Integratron类似于一个天文台,范·塔塞尔花了18年时间建造了这个直径55英尺的结构.

    Plan your visit

    Stop 10

    Noah Purifoy Desert Art Museum of Assemblage Art

    62975 Blair Ln, Joshua Tree

    已故雕塑家诺亚·普里福伊(Noah Purifoy)也来到了附近 Joshua Tree National Park 在20世纪80年代,他花了15年的时间用现成的材料创作大型艺术品. His collection of works grew into the Noah Purifoy Desert Art Museum of Assemblage Art在那里,你可以参加讲解员带领的游览,也可以自己在10英亩的雕塑中漫步. 结合了风化的木头,类似于某种沙漠浮木, as well as discarded bicycle wheel rims, toilets, televisions, and bedframes, 这些雕塑体现了普里弗伊将碎屑变成迷人艺术品的独特才能.

    Stop 11

    Amboy Crater

    Amboy Crater

    Rising 250 feet above a barren expanse of desert, Amboy Crater 是曾经将熔岩倾泻在24平方英里沙漠地区的火山渣锥吗. With its distinctive, conical profile, 你绝对不会把这个独特的自然景观误认为是火山. Follow the trail that climbs to the rim, 从那里你可以看到深入的胃和横跨1,500-foot-wide crater. 就在66号公路旁边,安博伊火山口也在距这里不到3英里的地方 Roy’s Motel & Café这是一个复古的地标,上面的标志只是在呼吁人们自拍.

    Plan your visit

    Stop 12

    Kelso Dunes, Mojave National Preserve

    Kelso-Dunes Road, Mojave National Preserve

    The graceful, golden Kelso Dunes rise 650 feet above the desert floor. 爬上山坡,仔细聆听这些沙丘的“歌唱”,因为滑沙瀑布有时会发出明确无误的呻吟声——这是世界上唯一发生这种现象的地方之一. The climb to the top of the dunes, among the tallest in North America, 当你在柔软的沙滩上向前走两步,后退一步,然后你就可以看到整个沙漠的景色,这是一次很棒的锻炼.

    Stop 13


    72734 Baker Blvd, Baker

    Though hardly a metropolis, 15号州际公路旁的小贝克是莫哈韦沙漠旅行者寻找食物或伸展双腿的繁忙枢纽. Baker’s most famous landmark is its giant thermometer—at 134 feet, the tallest in the world. 很多人还会在贝克停留,品尝以不明飞行物为主题的超凡脱俗的干肉 Alien Fresh Jerky, the place to stock up on such tasty, 受外星人启发的口味,如绑架牛菠萝照烧——对家乡的人来说是完美的纪念品.

    Road Trip Snapshot

    了解更多关于这个公路旅行的惊人地点. Ready to plan your trip? 打印行程或地图你的冒险开始.

    Stop 1San Diego
    1600 Pacific Hwy, San Diego
    Stop 3Borrego Springs Sculptures
    1624 Borrego Springs Rd, Borrego Springs
    Stop 5Font's Point
    Fonts Point Dr, Borrego Springs
    SPOTLIGHTShields Date Garden
    80225 US Hwy 111, Indio
    67967 Vista Chino, Cathedral City
      Stop 8Pioneertown
      5240 Curtis Rd, Pioneertown
      Stop 9The Integratron
      2477 Belfield Blvd, Landers
      Stop 10Noah Purifoy Desert Art Museum of Assemblage Art
      62975 Blair Ln, Joshua Tree
      Stop 11Amboy Crater
      Amboy Crater
      Stop 12Kelso Dunes, Mojave National Preserve
      Kelso-Dunes Road, Mojave National Preserve
      Stop 13Baker
      72734 Baker Blvd, Baker

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