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Enjoy the best of California’s berries, apples, mandarin oranges, and more at these local farms

这里盛产草莓、苹果、李子和橙子 加州农场——尤其是对那些愿意自己选择的人来说. Many family farms around the Golden State offer u-pick opportunities where you can pluck your own berries off the vine and then browse the jams, baked goods, 或者农场商店里的苹果酒. It’s 老少皆宜的家庭乐趣—and it also gives you a firsthand look at California’s incredible farming community, which produces more than a third of the nation’s vegetables and two-thirds of its fruits and nuts.

Before You Go

The process varies from farm to farm: Sometimes the operators will hand you a pre-paid bucket that you can fill, 或者你可以用袋子或篮子,然后按重量付费. Some farms also offer hay mazes, wagon rides, or jam-making workshops to round out the day.

Keep in mind that many u-pick farms grow a variety of crops—and some years, 特定作物的收获时间可能会提前一点, late, 或者有时根本没有. Check the farm’s website—or their social media pages—to get the latest on what will be ripe when you visit. Also, check whether you need to reserve your spot ahead of time so that you’ll have plenty of room (and fruit) to yourself.

戴上帽子,穿上舒适的鞋子, 然后在这些农场中计划你自己的收获之旅, 按季节列出.

Tanaka Farms, Irvine

Peak months: February–June
把浆果和蔬菜采摘和马车旅行结合起来 Irvine, where this farm’s u-pick arrangement includes a ride around the farm, 停下来挑选应季蔬菜,包括西葫芦, kale, 或者洋葱,还有一桶草莓. The Orange County farm also typically offers later-summer melon tours and a fall pumpkin patch.

卡尔斯巴德草莓公司, Carlsbad

Peak months: February-July
Pick your own strawberries, then walk the sunflower maze at this Carlsbad 农场离这里只有几个街区 加利福尼亚的乐. The 圣地亚哥县 农场也靠近 卡尔斯巴德牧场的花田, which blooms with ranunculus flowers from March until May.

肯尼草莓农场, Fallbrook

Peak months: March–July
They grow sweet, hearty strawberries in these family-friendly fields in east 圣地亚哥县. Autumn brings pumpkin-patch fun, including tractor rides and a petting zoo.

Temecula Berry公司, Temecula

Peak months: May–June
The 内陆帝国小镇 可能最出名的是它的 winemaking 葡萄,但这个家庭农场全是蓝莓. Buy a small, medium, 或者大容器, 然后把它填满, 只有一条规矩,不许在地里吃东西.

Villa del Sol, Leona Valley

Peak months: May–July
从五种甜樱桃中挑选, Rainier, Early Burlat, Brooks, 和图拉雷——在这个果园里,从这里往北走大约一小时 Los Angeles 14号州际公路外. 当你在那里的时候,拿起一罐农场的生蜂蜜.

随着“大河之舞”农场, Livingston

Peak months: May–July
夏天到这里来吧 Central Valley farm—located about 25 miles south of Modesto—for blueberries, blackberries, and elderberries; check its Facebook page 具体日期. 农场还定期举办活动, 比如阵亡将士纪念日前后的U-Pick and Gather周末, 哪个以露营和现场音乐为特色.

山溪牧场, Clovis

Peak months: May–September
你可以在网站上查一下 Clovis farm to see what’s ready for picking: Look for cherries in early summer followed by boysenberries and apricots in late summer. 早秋时节来吃草莓和石榴吧.

斯旺顿浆果农场, Davenport

Peak months: May–September
在这个农场收获你自己的有机草莓 圣克鲁斯县. 视季节而定, you might also pick olallieberries or some of the farm’s other unique fruits, 包括泰莓和罗甘莓. Or cut to the chase and enjoy its house-made jams and shortcakes. Nearby in Watsonville, Gizdich Ranch offers summer strawberries, olallieberries, and boysenberries as well as apples in September. Live Earth Farm的u-pick日历 offers a wide variety of options including pumpkins and poblano peppers.

阳光农场摊位, Fresno

Peak months: May–October
这个家庭农场位于 Fresno 主打亚洲蔬菜, 可以在他们的农场摊位买到, 但你也可以在5月到7月摘草莓. 或者在九月和十月自己采摘南瓜.

Earthseed Farm, Sebastopol

Peak months: May–November
Sonoma County is rich with u-pick options, but you can’t go wrong picking the sweet and rare Gravenstein apple, which grows almost exclusively in this area and is most available in August. This solar-powered farm—which also embraces Afro Indigenous farming practices to help protect the local ecosystem—offers plenty of other produce throughout summer and autumn, including ​plums and pluots in July; various apples throughout fall; and persimmons and pineapple guava in November.

Edenberry Farm, Lakeport

Peak months: June–August
加深你对浆果的了解 Lake County farm that grows three different types of raspberries and two types of blackberries—both happily thornless.

Julian Farm & Orchard, Julian

Peak months: June–October
The 圣地亚哥县 town of Julian is famous for its apple pie but if you want to start with the basics, 自己摘苹果 在当地的各种农场,如 Peacefield果园, 横切农场和果园, and 苹果和艺术果园.

Julian Farm & Orchard offers a nearly year-round calendar of options: strawberries, raspberries, 以及整个六月的黑莓, July, and August; sunflowers and flowers in July and August; apples in September; and pumpkins in September and October.

琥珀橡树浆果农场, Auburn

Peak months: June-November
Pick blackberries, boysenberries, tomatoes, and kiwis at this farm in Auburn, with the ripe crops changing from June and all through fall. 11月,来领取预先挑选好的袋子 Placer County中国著名的柑桔.

Apple Hill在埃尔多拉多县

Peak months: June-November
Pick up apples, pumpkins, baked goods, and lavender at more than 50 farms and ranches in this section of 埃尔多拉多县. 夏天是采摘蓝莓的季节 彩虹果园摘薰衣草 青石草地以及从黑莓到西红柿的各种食物 24 Carrot Farm.

To pick apples during early fall, choose from farms including Denver Dan’s, 斯隆温特斯山间果园 & Garden, and 5月的农场.

Noble Orchards, Paradise

Peak months: July–March
这里几乎全年都有应季的东西 Butte County family farm. Come for cherries, peaches, pluots, and nectarines from July through September. 这里有17个品种的苹果,包括Pink Lady, Fuji, Gala, 从九月到三月. Check its Facebook 翻页了解时令食品.

苹果山牧场, Bishop

Peak months: August-November
在这个农场采摘桃子、亚洲梨和加拉苹果 Bishop. Check its Facebook page for news of cider parties, too, when you can fill your own jars with the Inyo County 农场应季果汁.

Andreotti家庭农场, Half Moon Bay

Peak Months: 劳动力
这个家庭农场位于 圣马特奥县 used to focus on artichokes in its early days (it was founded in 1926) but now grows a variety of winter veggies as well as sunflowers. During autumn, 摘花,赏瓜(像狼一样), Howden, 或糖派南瓜), 或者走玉米迷宫. Check the farm’s web site for picking weekends, farm-to-table luncheons, or other special events.

SLO Creek Farms圣路易斯奥比斯波

Peak months: 9
把你的篮子拿去 圣路易斯奥比斯波县’s SLO Creek Farms from September through November and pick your way across 40 acres of organic apples, 还有u挑胡萝卜和南瓜. Celebrate afterward with some of the farm’s hard cider or apple brandy. 想要一个更长的季节,可以去附近 Gopher Glen有机苹果园, which offers 112 organic apple varieties for picking between July and December.

晚霞岭精品水果, Newcastle

Peak months: November-February
从11月到次年1月 Placer县山麓 are a hotbed for Satsuma mandarins, the easy-to-peel “zipper fruits.” Staff will offer you a bucket and tips on how to pick them (bring some clippers if you have them).

为了充分庆祝水果,前往附近的 黄金乡村集市 感恩节前的那个周末 山间国语节 featuring live music, crafts, and lots of mandarin orange–themed treats. Come back to Sunset Ridge in January and February to pick navel oranges and Tango mandarins.


Peak months: Year-round
浆果只是这个组合的开始 Ventura County farms near Camarillo. Use a basket or even a pull-wagon to pick from the current selection of crops: At Somis, that means tangerines and blackberries; in Moorpark, expect to find fava beans, sunflowers, and summer squash. Come to Ventura County 在秋季期间参观多达20个农场 文图拉县农场日.


Visiting a u-pick farm is a fun way to appreciate the vast scope of 加州的农业产品. To experience more of California’s farming community, consider these farm tours, farm stays, 不要错过农贸市场, and the 加州腹地自驾游.


