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7 Historic Music Venues

7 Historic Music Venues


任何时候都是探索加州独特音乐历史的最佳时机. Certainly, 金州是各种折衷音乐地标的故乡,比如一个闹鬼的妓院变成了摇滚俱乐部,还有一个开创了自己风格的小酒馆. Over the second half of the 20th century, 他们都极大地影响了摇滚和流行音乐的发展.

这些场所提供的不仅仅是高质量的声音和响亮的名字:它们中的每一个都有一些东西导致了音乐行业的长寿. “我认为是什么造就了一个伟大的场地是很难量化的,”L.A. concert-booking firm The Windish Agency. “但是人们谈论神奇的灰尘——某些地方就是有某种神奇的东西.” Listed from north to south, 这里有7个场馆,你的门票仍然可以让你有一个晚上的音乐炫耀的权利.

The Fillmore

San Francisco

很少有场馆能像Fillmore在上世纪六七十年代那样掀起一场音乐运动, when some of the most innovative music emerged here, thanks to acts like the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, and Jimi Hendrix. “菲尔莫尔是bbin游戏官网所知的现代流行音乐音乐会产业的发源地,” says Michael J. Kramer, author of The Republic of Rock. “在这里,老式的娱乐产业让位于灯光秀, LSD, and the rock music of hippies.”

Before the hippie era, the 1912 building had been a dance hall through the ’30s, a roller rink in the ’40s, 也是60年代詹姆斯·布朗、艾克和蒂娜·特纳等表演者的表演场所.

这里的繁荣并不仅仅是依靠其迷幻摇滚的历史, either; it has showcased everyone from Radiohead to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (who have appeared on stage 27 times), and continues to book in-demand artists. At shows today, 出去的时候你还能拿到一张免费的演唱会海报和一个苹果, in true Fillmore tradition.

Great American Music Hall

San Francisco

As the oldest music club in the city, 美国音乐厅(Great American Music Hall)有着悠久(且丑闻不断)的历史, 在它现在成为一个受欢迎的独立摇滚场所之前是什么. 建于1906年地震摧毁了大部分城市后的第二年, 音乐厅最初是新发展的象征,赌徒经常光顾, prostitutes, and crooked politicians up until the Great Depression. A few years later it re-emerged as a swanky dance club, then transitioned to a jazz club, restaurant, and eventually a music venue in 1972. 这个可容纳600人的大厅有独特的歌剧院美学——大理石柱子, high ceilings, 它的舞台上有艾灵顿公爵等经典艺术家的作品, as well as cult favorites Arcade Fire. Adding to its mystique, 长期以来一直有传言说这座建筑闹鬼(几十个), according to one account) from the hall’s colorful past. 

Fox Theater


After 40 years of closed doors, 花费了9100万美元的修复工程才使奥克兰的福克斯剧院成为今天的样子:该地区最独特的现场表演场所之一. The opulent art deco building, which opened in the 1920s, resembles a Middle Eastern temple, 舞台周围有黄金雕像和复杂的马赛克. The Fox first served as a movie theatre, 展示了弗兰克·辛纳屈和金格·罗杰斯等传奇三巨头的“有声电影”甚至现场表演. 电影院于1966年关闭(部分原因是电视的出现), and it wasn’t until 2009 that the Fox, in a 2.0 version, came back to life. By day it serves as the Oakland School for the Arts, and by night as a music venue, hosting acts such as Bonnie Raitt, Father John Misty, and Vance Joy in the coming months.

Trout’s Nightclub


这里还剩下一家试图保留加州本土音乐流派的下等酒吧, the “Bakersfield sound.” Opened in 1931, 特劳特帮助培养了在20世纪50年代大受欢迎的音乐风格——一种坚韧不拔的风格, 纳什维尔的乡村音乐更加摇滚化. In the honky-tonk bars of Bakersfield, 当地人会随着巴克·欧文斯(Buck Owens)和梅尔·哈格德(Merle Haggard)等艺术家的强烈节奏和电吉他起舞. Ultimately, 这一流派并没有像纳什维尔的音乐那样受到主流的欢迎, but it influenced musicians of the future, 并继续在加州音乐史上占有特殊的地位. Stop by Trout’s to peruse the club’s historic memorabilia, ride the mechanical bull, or join locals for line dancing.


West Hollywood

The Troubadour occupies a special place in L.A. music history: Neil Young played his first solo show here. Elton John made his U.S. debut on its stage. 一支原名Mookie Blaylock的乐队宣布了他们的新名字:Pearl Jam. History buffs will appreciate the venue’s storied mix of folk and rock ’n’ roll; music fans will love the unprecedented access that the 400-capacity venue allows. “舞台几乎让人感觉它就在观众中,”温迪什说. “当你站在阳台上时,你会觉得自己站在乐队的顶端.” Having attended and booked dozens of shows there, he credits great sight lines, quality sound, 出色的预订成就了Troubadour的过去和现在——一个聆听有前途的乐队和创作歌手的好地方.

The Lighthouse Cafe

Hermosa Beach

Every Sunday throughout the ’50s and ’60s, 灯塔乐队的特色是一个会邀请嘉宾的乐队, including Miles Davis and Chet Baker, to come onstage. Not surprisingly, the pier-side club became a jazz hot spot. “你想想所有的大牌球员,这里就是你要去的地方——bbin游戏官网是东海岸爵士音乐家的第一个着陆点,” says Lighthouse general manager Steven Grehl.

尽管其他类型的音乐已经悄悄进入了今天的日程表——萨尔萨舞曲, country, top 40 nights, 甚至偶尔的dj - Lighthouse也会在周末的爵士早午餐和每周的周三表演中延续它的传统. 格洛丽亚·卡德纳(现年90岁)在过去的30年里一直在这里预订爵士演出, an homage to her late husband Ozzie, who was once a well-known jazz record producer. “这里有太多的历史,我想让它保持活力,”她说.

The Casbah

San Diego 

Rock fans haven’t flocked to The Casbah for more than 25 years because of its beautiful architecture or lavish seating options; they attend a show at the divey club for the rowdy, up-close-and-personal experience. The grungy feel is part of its charm, 它也符合它一直支持的音乐类型——前卫, emerging rock. “我喜欢这种亲密关系——它很小,”温迪什说,“它仍然有我成长的时代氛围.” Early in their careers, 涅槃乐队和粉碎南瓜乐队都曾在原来的casba演出,当时只有75人,1994年搬到了一个新的200人的场地. The stage has been graced by artists such as MGMT, Death Cab for Cutie, Weezer, Cold War Kids, and many more.



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